Hello there, dear ARTMaster audience!
ARTMaster LIVE! is almost here, tickets are sold out and I am very much looking forward to seeing you, at The Elgiva, on the 14th July 2022.
At this stage, only one thing can improve the night. Your din-dins. That's right, between now and then, I want YOU to ART your dinner.
Make it beguilingly beautiful, sinisterly sublime, munchingly mind-bending, whatever, I'm not fussy. Make your dinner into art, take a picture and send it our way. (Contact details below).
If your 'dinner art' is selected, you could win points for your team. AND there might even be a prize up for grabs..."
You have until midnight on Sunday 3rd July to photograph your 'dinner art' and submit it, either by:
- uploading to insta or Twitter and tagging @ARTMasterLive
- or by emailing your photo to [email protected]
We can't wait to see what you come up with. See you on the 14th July!
From Alex & the ARTMaster Production Team